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Re: Kerberos authentication for X-Mosaic 2.4 and NCSA HTTPD

> yes. yes. yes.  i agree that we want to work towards a 'plug-in'
> architecture.  it would let the web browser folks concentrate on

I realize that this is not the right place, but the time is right. Does 
know where there is a concentration of work being done on "plug-in
architecture" a.k.a. Component Software?

comp.sw.components is mostly about Ada.
comp.???.ole is pretty narrow.
dmtf (desktop managment task force has potential - ftp to ftp.dmtf.org, 
           not working Monday afternoon)
3D Studio (IPAS3) and Adobe Photo-shop have "plug-ins"
The ISO PREMO draft standard talks about class library components

Anyway, this is off the security path - if you have any suggestions of 
places or
things to look at please email me. If I get a good suggestion of where to 
this, I'll send it in.


YON, jch@oki.com, Jan C. Hardenbergh, OKI Advanced Products 508-460-8655
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A. Einstein - thank the gods